HTML5 Style Text Tutorial

Specify the spacing between words, letters, and lines of text.
A. Use the direction property.
B. Use the letter-spacing, word-spacing, and line-height properties.
C. Use the word-wrap property.
D. Use the text-indent property.
Change the way that an element is positioned inside its container block.
A. Use the position property.
B. Use the top, bottom, left, or right properties.
C. Use the z-index property.
D. Use a multicolumn layout.
Set the front-to-back order for a positioned element.
A. Use the position property.
B. Use the top, bottom, left, or right properties.
C. Use the z-index property.
D. Use a multicolumn layout.
Define how white space is processed.
A. Use the flexbox layout.
B. Use a CSS table layout.
C. Use the text-align and text-justify properties.
D. Use the whitespace property.
Create a layout similar to a newspaper page.
A. Use the position property.
B. Use the top, bottom, left, or right properties.
C. Use the z-index property.
D. Use a multicolumn layout.
Specify the indentation of text.
A. Use the direction property.
B. Use the letter-spacing, word-spacing, and line-height properties.
C. Use the word-wrap property.
D. Use the text-indent property.
Decorate or transform text.
A. Use the text-decoration or text-transform property.
B. Use the text-shadow property.
C. Use the font, font-family, font-size, font-style, font-variant, and font-weight properties.
D. Use @font-face.
Apply a drop shadow to a block of text.
A. Use the text-decoration or text-transform property.
B. Use the text-shadow property.
C. Use the font, font-family, font-size, font-style, font-variant, and font-weight properties.
D. Use @font-face.
Fluidly allocate space to elements within a container.
A. Use the flexbox layout.
B. Use a CSS table layout.
C. Use the text-align and text-justify properties.
D. Use the whitespace property.
Create a table-style layout for elements.
A. Use the flexbox layout.
B. Use a CSS table layout.
C. Use the text-align and text-justify properties.
D. Use the whitespace property.
Align a block of text.
A. Use the flexbox layout.
B. Use a CSS table layout.
C. Use the text-align and text-justify properties.
D. Use the whitespace property.
Specify the direction that text should be drawn in.
A. Use the direction property.
B. Use the letter-spacing, word-spacing, and line-height properties.
C. Use the word-wrap property.
D. Use the text-indent property.
Specify how overflowing text should be broken.
A. Use the direction property.
B. Use the letter-spacing, word-spacing, and line-height properties.
C. Use the word-wrap property.
D. Use the text-indent property.
Offset a positioned element from the edges of its container block.
A. Use the position property.
B. Use the top, bottom, left, or right properties.
C. Use the z-index property.
D. Use a multicolumn layout.
Specify and configure a font.
A. Use the text-decoration or text-transform property.
B. Use the text-shadow property.
C. Use the font, font-family, font-size, font-style, font-variant, and font-weight properties.
D. Use @font-face.
Use a custom font.
A. Use the text-decoration or text-transform property.
B. Use the text-shadow property.
C. Use the font, font-family, font-size, font-style, font-variant, and font-weight properties.
D. Use @font-face.

