HTML5 Advanced CSS Features

Select the focused element.
A. Use the :focus selector.
B. Use the negation selector.
C. Use the :empty selector.
D. Use the :lang selector.
Negate another selector.
A. Use the :focus selector.
B. Use the negation selector.
C. Use the :empty selector.
D. Use the :lang selector.
Select the root element in the document.
A. Use the :root selector.
B. Use the :first-child, :last:child, :only-child, or :only-of-type selectors.
C. Use the :nth-child, :nth-last-child, :nth-of-type, or :nth-last-of-type selectors.
D. Use the :enabled or :disabled selectors.
Select elements that have no content.
A. Use the :focus selector.
B. Use the negation selector.
C. Use the :empty selector.
D. Use the :lang selector.
Select elements based on language.
A. Use the :focus selector.
B. Use the negation selector.
C. Use the :empty selector.
D. Use the :lang selector.
Selects the element referred to in a URL fragment.
A. Use the :target selector.
B. Use the negation selector.
C. Use the :empty selector.
D. Use the :lang selector.
Select elements based on input validation.
A. Use the :checked selector.
B. Use the :default selector.
C. Use the :valid or :invalid selectors.
D. Use the :in-range and :out-of-range selectors.
Select range-constrained input elements.
A. Use the :checked selector.
B. Use the :default selector.
C. Use the :valid or :invalid selectors.
D. Use the :in-range and :out-of-range selectors.
Select elements that are enabled or disabled.
A. Use the :root selector.
B. Use the :first-child, :last:child, :only-child, or :only-of-type selectors.
C. Use the :nth-child, :nth-last-child, :nth-of-type, or :nth-last-of-type selectors.
D. Use the :enabled or :disabled selectors.
Select radio button or check box elements that are checked.
A. Use the :checked selector.
B. Use the :default selector.
C. Use the :valid or :invalid selectors.
D. Use the :in-range and :out-of-range selectors.
Select the default element.
A. Use the :checked selector.
B. Use the :default selector.
C. Use the :valid or :invalid selectors.
D. Use the :in-range and :out-of-range selectors.
Select a child element.
A. Use the :root selector.
B. Use the :first-child, :last:child, :only-child, or :only-of-type selectors.
C. Use the :nth-child, :nth-last-child, :nth-of-type, or :nth-last-of-type selectors.
D. Use the :enabled or :disabled selectors.
Select the active element.
A. Use the :required or :optional selectors.
B. Use the :link and :visited selectors.
C. Use the :hover selector.
D. Use the :active selector.
Select a child at a specific index.
A. Use the :root selector.
B. Use the :first-child, :last:child, :only-child, or :only-of-type selectors.
C. Use the :nth-child, :nth-last-child, :nth-of-type, or :nth-last-of-type selectors.
D. Use the :enabled or :disabled selectors.
Select input elements based on the presence of the required attribute.
A. Use the :required or :optional selectors.
B. Use the :link and :visited selectors.
C. Use the :hover selector.
D. Use the :active selector.
Select a hyperlink.
A. Use the :required or :optional selectors.
B. Use the :link and :visited selectors.
C. Use the :hover selector.
D. Use the :active selector.
Select the element that the mouse is currently over.
A. Use the :required or :optional selectors.
B. Use the :link and :visited selectors.
C. Use the :hover selector.
D. Use the :active selector.

