How HTML5 interacts with AJAX

Make an Ajax request.
A. Create an XMLHttpRequest object, and call the open and send methods.
B. Use the Level 2 events, such as onload, onloadstart, and onloadend.
C. Respond to error events, or use try...catch statements.
D. Use the setRequestHeader method.
Use the one-off events to track request progress.
A. Create an XMLHttpRequest object, and call the open and send methods.
B. Use the Level 2 events, such as onload, onloadstart, and onloadend.
C. Respond to error events, or use try...catch statements.
D. Use the setRequestHeader method.
Detect and deal with errors.
A. Create an XMLHttpRequest object, and call the open and send methods.
B. Use the Level 2 events, such as onload, onloadstart, and onloadend.
C. Respond to error events, or use try...catch statements.
D. Use the setRequestHeader method.
Set headers for an Ajax request.
A. Create an XMLHttpRequest object, and call the open and send methods.
B. Use the Level 2 events, such as onload, onloadstart, and onloadend.
C. Respond to error events, or use try...catch statements.
D. Use the setRequestHeader method.
Read the headers from the server response.
A. Use the getResponseHeader and getAllResponseHeaders methods.
B. Set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the server response.
C. Use the abort method.
D. Use the DOM to get individual values and concatenate them in the URL-encoded format
Make a cross-origin Ajax request.
A. Use the getResponseHeader and getAllResponseHeaders methods.
B. Set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the server response.
C. Use the abort method.
D. Use the DOM to get individual values and concatenate them in the URL-encoded format
Abort a request.
A. Use the getResponseHeader and getAllResponseHeaders methods.
B. Set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the server response.
C. Use the abort method.
D. Use the DOM to get individual values and concatenate them in the URL-encoded format
Send form data to the server
A. Use the getResponseHeader and getAllResponseHeaders methods.
B. Set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the server response.
C. Use the abort method.
D. Use the DOM to get individual values and concatenate them in the URL-encoded format
Encode and send form data without using the DOM
A. Use a FormData object
B. Use the append method on the FormData object
C. Use the JSON.stringify method and set the content type for the request to application/json
D. Add an input element to a form whose type is file and use a FormData object
Send additional form values or send form data selectively
A. Use a FormData object
B. Use the append method on the FormData object
C. Use the JSON.stringify method and set the content type for the request to application/json
D. Add an input element to a form whose type is file and use a FormData object
Send JSON data
A. Use a FormData object
B. Use the append method on the FormData object
C. Use the JSON.stringify method and set the content type for the request to application/json
D. Add an input element to a form whose type is file and use a FormData object
Send a file to the server
A. Use a FormData object
B. Use the append method on the FormData object
C. Use the JSON.stringify method and set the content type for the request to application/json
D. Add an input element to a form whose type is file and use a FormData object
Track progress as data is uploaded to the server
A. Use the XMLHttpRequestUpload object
B. Read the responseText property
C. Use the overrideMimeType method
D. Use the responseXML property
Receive HTML fragments from the server
A. Use the XMLHttpRequestUpload object
B. Read the responseText property
C. Use the overrideMimeType method
D. Use the responseXML property
Override the MIME type sent by the server
A. Use the XMLHttpRequestUpload object
B. Read the responseText property
C. Use the overrideMimeType method
D. Use the responseXML property
Receive XML from the server
A. Use the XMLHttpRequestUpload object
B. Read the responseText property
C. Use the overrideMimeType method
D. Use the responseXML property
Receive JSON data from the server
A. Use the JSON.parse method
B. Read the responseText property
C. Use the overrideMimeType method
D. Use the responseXML property

