Learn and Practice Free Reading Comprehension 4 questions

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You can get answer of the below sample questions by going through the above Question sets.

"Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.My father is a construction worker. He builds houses. He builds schools. He builds houses and schools. He uses a hammer and a saw.My brother is an engineer. He designs buildings. He designs bridges. He designs buildings and bridges. He uses a pencil and a calculator.My son is an athlete. He plays soccer. He plays tennis. He plays soccer and tennis. He uses a racket and a ball.My daughter is an artist. She draws pictures of animals. She draws pictures of people. She draws pictures of animals and people. She uses a pencil and a piece of paper.Question: Who is a construction worker?"

Option 1: my father
Option 2: my daughter
Option 3: my son
Option 4:
Option 5:

"Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.My father is a construction worker. He builds houses. He builds schools. He builds houses and schools. He uses a hammer and a saw.My brother is an engineer. He designs buildings. He designs bridges. He designs buildings and bridges. He uses a pencil and a calculator.My son is an athlete. He plays soccer. He plays tennis. He plays soccer and tennis. He uses a racket and a ball.My daughter is an artist. She draws pictures of animals. She draws pictures of people. She draws pictures of animals and people. She uses a pencil and a piece of paper.Question: What does my brother do?"

Option 1: He is a construction worker.
Option 2: He is an engineer.
Option 3: He is an artist.
Option 4:
Option 5:

"Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.My father is a construction worker. He builds houses. He builds schools. He builds houses and schools. He uses a hammer and a saw.My brother is an engineer. He designs buildings. He designs bridges. He designs buildings and bridges. He uses a pencil and a calculator.My son is an athlete. He plays soccer. He plays tennis. He plays soccer and tennis. He uses a racket and a ball.My daughter is an artist. She draws pictures of animals. She draws pictures of people. She draws pictures of animals and people. She uses a pencil and a piece of paper.Question: Who uses a saw?"

Option 1: my father
Option 2: my brother
Option 3: my son
Option 4:
Option 5:

"Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.My father is a construction worker. He builds houses. He builds schools. He builds houses and schools. He uses a hammer and a saw.My brother is an engineer. He designs buildings. He designs bridges. He designs buildings and bridges. He uses a pencil and a calculator.My son is an athlete. He plays soccer. He plays tennis. He plays soccer and tennis. He uses a racket and a ball.My daughter is an artist. She draws pictures of animals. She draws pictures of people. She draws pictures of animals and people. She uses a pencil and a piece of paper.Question: Who uses a racket?"

Option 1: my daughter
Option 2: my brother
Option 3: my son
Option 4:
Option 5:

"Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.My father is a construction worker. He builds houses. He builds schools. He builds houses and schools. He uses a hammer and a saw.My brother is an engineer. He designs buildings. He designs bridges. He designs buildings and bridges. He uses a pencil and a calculator.My son is an athlete. He plays soccer. He plays tennis. He plays soccer and tennis. He uses a racket and a ball.My daughter is an artist. She draws pictures of animals. She draws pictures of people. She draws pictures of animals and people. She uses a pencil and a piece of paper.Question: Who probably uses an eraser?"

Option 1: my daughter
Option 2: my brother
Option 3: my son
Option 4:
Option 5:

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The question contains the simple to complex level difficulties so that student can improve the knowledge.

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